Company Profile - CRDA
CRDA Details up to 30-11-2019
S.No. | Details | |
1 | Area in Sq.KM | 19130 |
2 | No. of Domestic Services | 1146430 |
3 | No. of Non Domestic & Commercial Services | 113117 |
4 | No. of LT Industrial Services | 8645 |
5 | No. of Cottage Industries and Dhobighats Services | 5352 |
6 | No. of Agricultural Services | 263723 |
7 | No. of P W S & Street Light Services | 15485 |
8 | No. of General Purpose Services | 10121 |
9 | No. of Aqua & Animal Husbandry & others Services | 56 |
10 | No. of Temporary Services | 0 |
11 | No. of LT Services | 1562929 |
12 | No. of HT Services | 720 |
13 | No.of33/11KVSubstations | 256 |
14 | No.ofDistributionTransformers | 120853 |
15 | No.of11KVFeeders | 1027 |
16 | No.Divisions | 5 |
17 | No.ofSub-Divisions | 21 |
18 | No.ofSections | 81 |
19 | No.ofERO's/Sub-ERO's | 17 |
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