Department Details

CPDCLs Corporate Planning Headed by General Manager Corporate Planning and a Group of Professionals are available to assist the Management to drive the Company to reach the Business Objectives through various Corporate Planning Initiatives.

With Electricity Act 2003 unfolding challenges and opportunities for Distribution Companies, the Corporate Planning department is fully gearing up with strategies and action plans to face the reforms, restructuring and institutional strengthening. The Corporate Planning department was actively involved in long term load forecasting and power supply estimation. The Corporate Planning department was associated with filing of Aggregate Revenue Return (A R R) for FY03 & FY04. The department provides proactive inputs to the top management. On financial and operational efficiency improvement measures. The department monitors Consumer Complaints, implementation of CM 's announcements and CM references. The department was actively associated with the other departments for implementation of Five year business plan FY03 to FY08 developed by the Energy department of A.P. and AP Transco.

Director - Finance is heading the entire Finance Functions of the DISCOM.
Director - Finance is controlling the following departments;

Expenditure department is headed by Chief General Manager -Finance. This department takes care of all the expenditures, which includes capital and revenue. They are responsible for expenditure control and vendor payments.

This department takes care of all finalization of Accounts for the DISCOM, cost of supply calculations, maintenance of cost records under companies act, Providing support to submit ARR Filings and LTTP Filing. General Manager-Costing, heads this department.

This department takes care of all demand forecasting, actual evaluation, and demand variance exercise with targets,providing MIS Support for Transmission Company data requirement. General Manager-Revenue, heads this department.

This department takes care of coordinating activities of Internal Auditors appointed by the Company. Coordinating the action taken on Internal Auditors and C & AG Audit, General Manager-Internal Audit, heads this department.


This department takes care of preparing all the project plans, monitoring the executions of various Government Funded Projects.Chief General Manager-Projects, heads this department.

This department takes care of timely submission of APERC proformas, monitoring the implementation of various directives released by APERC time to time. It is also responsible for the reconciliation of the Energy Balance of the DISCOM, Licensing activities such as Franchising Sub-stations.General Manager-RAC, heads this department.

APCPDCL's Human Resource Management Headed by Chief General Manager-HRD and a Group of Professionals are available to assist the Management to drive the Company to reach the Business Objectives through various HR Initiatives.
A Company is successful only if its people are successful. An Organizations power rests in its ability to influence its market, its product or services and its resources.
The output of an enterprise is dependent on its power to influence the success of its people. The Key element holding everything together is Human Resources. In order to maintain and attract the best employees and influence the market it is imperative to ensure that the best Human Resource Program owned and implemented by the organization. We, APCPDCL, makes it a point the same is adhered on every possible aspects. In order to address the same, our HR Department has arrived a niche work-infrastructure and culture to meet the demands of the Management to achieve the Business Objectives;
Create and manage human resource strategy
Develop leadership competencies
Expand finance competencies
Plan and forecast workforce requirements
Recruit,select and hire employees
Create and deploy teams
Develop and train employees
Motivate and retain employees
Manage compensation
Manage employee performance, reward and recognition
Ensure employee involvement
Manage and administer benefits
Develop work-life programs
Diversity workforce
Manage labour Management relationships
Manage changes in employment status

Our HR Department ensures in all aspects at APCPDCL that the above policies are implemented with transparency and keeping result in mind.

This department visits the field to check the pilferage activities, if anything found in the DISCOM Electrical Network. If found any pilferage, they will book the cases and penalize as per rules. If the pilferage happens for the second time at the same place, the accused will be handed over to Anti-Power Theft Squad (APTS). Superintending Engineer-DPE, heads this department.

Chief General Manager-P & MM, is the Head of the Department. This department takes care of all the Purchase and Material Management activities of the DISCOM. All centralized purchase processes are happening at corporate office.

Deregulation and open markets have brought in more competition and an increased focus on power reliability improvement and customer satisfaction. As margins come under increasing pressure in these liberalizing markets,opportunities for cost reduction and creating new 'added value' connectivity and synergies without compromising on the customer's expectations assumes increased importance. The management of materials from the point of purchase to the point of payment plays a crucial role in this context. At APCPDCL, the Purchase and Material Management is the collaborative effort of multiple channel members to design, implement, and manage seamless value-added processes to meet the real needs of the end customer. At APCPDCL, the Purchase and Material Management Department is encompasses the following functionalities; Supplier Management, Procurement Inventory Management, Warehouse Management, Logistics / Distribution Planning and Scrap Disposal

This is a department makes the final say on various assessment done by the DPE and Operation Cases on revenue losses due to pilferage activities. All the cases will be thoroughly evaluated and decision will be passed to the DPE Wing and Operation Wing. Super intending Engineer-Assessment, heads this department.

This department takes care of Assessment of Agriculture consumption based on the directives of APERC, coordinating various GIS / GPS Based Survey for getting the Consumer Indexed, Asset Codification activities etc., General Manager-Energy Audit, heads this department.

This department takes care of coordinating with circles on various operational and Maintenance activities. General Manager-O & M,heads this department.

APCPDCL's Information Technology Department Headed by General Manager-Information Technology and a Group of Professionals are available to assist the Management to drive the Company to reach the Business Objectives through various Information Technology Initiatives.The Information Technology Department is facilitating stated objectives.

To leverage Information Technology to become the most admired and professional power utility in the world.

To establish a culture of cooperation with all the stakeholders through maintenance and upkeep of the IT Infrastructure
To take initiatives and prove adaptable in IT enabling efficient Transmission and Distribution through identification of new application areas
To promote openness through better information availability and increased transparency.

Process time reduction
Cost reduction
Level of Computerization
Uptime of IT Infrastructure
Data availability
IT Projects in Progress at APCPDCL
Customer Management
Network Management
Demand Management
Materials Management
Financial Accounting
Human Resource Management
Groupware and Messaging Systems
Project Management
Executive Information Systems
Vigilance (APTS)