RGGVY Scheme

Rajeev Gandhi Gramina Vidhutheekarana Yojana Scheme was formulated for 100% Electrification of Rural house holds. The Scheme was sanctioned for an amount of 36.532. Crores to the District. The period of the scheme is for 2 Years i.e. 2006-07 & 2007-08. under the scheme 738 un-Electrified habitation will be electrified,1,20,186 BPL. Rural House holds and 81,664 APL Rural households will be electrified by collecting only Rs.125/- fees towards Security Deposit and application. Under the scheme for the prescribed fees the following accessories will be provided by the Discom.
1) Meter with pilfer proof box.
2) Service Wire
3) Cut-out
4) Bulb holder
5) Switch
6) Earth terminal
In case of Non BPL house holds the service wire, service connection material and internal wiring get to be provided by the beneficiaries for obtaining the connection.
INDIRAMMA (Integrated Novelty Development In Rural Areas And Model Municipal Areas) Scheme for the year 2006-07, 417 Gramapanchayats were selected in the District. In these Gramapanchayat 221 un-electrified habitation to be electrified and 60555 Rural House Holds will be electrified.